Reconstructionist and Judaic Links
Reconstructing Judaism - In Association with the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Reconstructionist Divrei Torah from the Reconstructing Judaism
Go and Learn
G-d Cast - Short animated films about the parsha, holidays and more
The Velveteen Rabbi - A blog by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
Mah Rabu - Thoughts about Torah, physics, politics, the independent Jewish scene, education, music, DC, and the intersections of all those areas
Boston Jewish Community
The Synagogue Council of Massachusetts - The Havurah is a member of The Synagogue Council of Massachusetts, "a joint venture of the Union for Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Orthodox, and Reconstructionist congregations in Massachusetts."
LimmudBoston - An annual Jewish learningfest of culture and identity, celebrating lifelong Jewish learning in a volunteer-run, day-long conference.
Shalom Boston - A resource site for the Greater Boston Jewish community
JCAN - Jewish climate action network. Mobilizing communities to take leadership in bold climate campaigns through education and reducing carbon footprints
Internet Resources
Shamash - Jewish Network
Ha Reshima - The list of Jewish sites on the Internet
The 2G-Legacy Mailing List - A mailing list for children and grandchildren of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, dedicated to the discussion of, and hopefully action on, social, political, and historical issues related to the Holocaust
The Jewish Advocate - Boston area Jewish Newspaper
The Forward - New York area Jewish Newspaper
Jewish Heritage Online Magazine - All sorts of useful Jewish resources and articles
Book Stores
Newton - The official site for the city of Newton, in which Shir Hadash is located, or visit the Newton Citizens page